Environmental Modeling Center Environmental Modeling Center Environmental Modeling Center United States Department of Commerce

EMC Operational Wave Product Table

The content provided on this page supports model development. These are not official NWS products and should not be relied upon for operational purposes. This web site is not subject to 24/7 support, and thus may be unavailable during system outages.

Operationally generated graphics of the wave fields (no spectra or source terms) are available from Model Analyses and Guidance.

Bulletin files are available from the Production FTP/HTTPS server. Look for gfs.YYYYMMDD/CC/wave/station/bulls.tCCz/gfswave.stationID.bull

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Home Product
Model Data

Here you can view any of the individual WAVEWATCH III® graphic products generated during the last six model runs. Simply follow the steps and click to choose the Model, Forecast Zone, Model Run Time, Product, and then click on a Forecast Time (0 is the nowcast, negative times are hindcasts, positive times are forecasts). Buoy information for the selected region is also given in the form of spectral plots, source term plots, and Spectral Bulletins.

Step 1: Choose a Model

GFS-Wave Great Lakes
(NDFD Winds)

Step 2: Choose a Forecast Zone

Full Basin Regional Local
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
NE Atlantic
NW Atlantic
US East Coast
NE Pacific
Alaskan Waters
Gulf of Mexico
Key West
Puerto Rico
US West Coast Zoom 1
US West Coast Zoom 2

Step 3: Choose a Model Run Time

6 hours
12 hours
18 hours
24 hours
30 hours

Step 4: Choose a Product

Significant Wave Height Peak Wave Period
Wind Sea Wave Height Wind Sea Period
Primary Swell Wave Height Primary Swell Period
Secondary Swell Wave Height Secondary Swell Period
Wind Speed and Direction  

Current Product Selection: NE Pacific

(GFS) (Latest run)

Secondary Swell Peak Period and Mean Direction

The secondary swell period identifies the period (the time between waves) of the second most dominant wave system (swell) that is generated elsewhere.

Step 5: Select a Forecast Time to view the product image
Forecast times are relative to the start time: 0Z, 6Z, 12Z, or 18Z

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75
78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114
117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153
156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192
195 198 201 204 207 210 213 216 219 222 225 228 231
234 237 240

Buoy Data for NE Pacific gfswave (Latest run)

Note: A tutorial on the spectral and source term graphics is available here.

Buoy ID Lat/Lon Buoy Data
43010 10.05N 125.03W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46001 56.31N 148.02W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46002 42.60N 130.27W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46004 50.93N 136.10W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46005 46.05N 131.02W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46006 40.80N 137.48W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46020 55.88N 168.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46035 57.05N 177.58W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46036 48.35N 133.94W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46059 37.98N 130.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46061 60.22N 146.83W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46066 52.70N 154.98W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46070 55.00N 175.28E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46071 51.16N 179.05E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46072 52.25N 171.73W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46073 54.94N 172.03W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46075 53.93N 160.81W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46076 59.50N 148.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46078 56.05N 152.45W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46080 58.00N 150.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46082 59.69N 143.42W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46083 58.25N 138.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46084 56.59N 136.16W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46085 56.85N 142.56W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46132 49.74N 127.93W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46147 51.83N 131.22W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
46184 53.91N 138.85W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48012 70.03N 166.07W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48114 65.01N 169.45W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48211 70.37N 146.04W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48212 70.87N 150.28W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48213 71.50N 164.13W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48214 70.87N 165.25W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
48216 71.76N 167.95W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51001 23.43N 162.21W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51002 17.19N 157.78W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51003 19.22N 160.82W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51004 17.52N 152.48W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51211 21.30N 157.96W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51212 21.32N 158.15W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
51213 20.75N 157.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
52009 13.73N 144.67W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
52201 7.09N 171.40E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
52212 7.63N 134.67W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
Alaska_NS1 72.00N 160.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
Alaska_NS2 72.00N 150.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
Alaska_NS3 72.00N 140.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
ENEWETAK 13.00N 163.75E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
FF_SHOALS 23.90N 166.30W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
HNL01 24.00N 158.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
HNL02 22.50N 153.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
JOHNSTON 16.70N 169.50W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
KOSRAE 5.10N 163.00E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
KOSRAE_W 5.90N 162.80E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
KWAJALEIN 9.50N 167.80E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
KWAJ_E 8.67N 168.17E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
KWAJ_W1 8.67N 167.50E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
KWAJ_W2 8.67N 167.00E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
MAJURO 8.00N 171.25E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
MAJURO_02 7.60N 171.40E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
MAJURO_03 6.60N 171.50E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
MIDWAY 28.20N 177.40W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
ROI_NAMUR 9.17N 168.00E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
TPC50 30.00N 118.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
TPC51 20.00N 135.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
TPC52 20.00N 117.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
TPC53 6.00N 120.00W Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
WAKE 19.50N 166.50E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
WOTHO 9.17N 166.33E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin
WOTJE_E 9.17N 171.50E Spectra Source terms Spectral Bulletin