The EMC suite of operational ocean wave models are based on the wave model WAVEWATCH III® using operational NCEP products as input.
Global Forecast System - WaveThe model is run four times a day: 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z. Each run produces forecasts of every hour from the initial time out to 120 hours, and then forecasts at 3-hour intervals out to 384 hours (this website only offers data out to 240 hours). The global wave model consists of global and regional nested grids. As background information, a list of selected references and a chronological list of model changes are available. Finally, validation data are available for the production model. |
Global Ensemble Forecast System - WaveThe Global Ensemble Forecast System - Wave (GEFS-Wave) is a one-way coupling of the GEFS atmospheric model with the WAVEWATCH III wave model. This allows for an increase in frequency of the wind forcing from 3 hours to 1 hour. This unified system has 30 members and the wave model is initialized with the previous member's 6 hour forecast. The wave model has a spatial resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 degrees. The system runs four cycles per day (00, 06, 12 and 18Z). The wave forecast has been extended from 10 to 16 days. More information on the GEFS system is available here.
Great Lakes WavesThe model is run four times a day: 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z. Each run starts with 9-, 6- and 3-hour hindcasts and produces forecasts of every 3 hours from the initial time out to 84 hours. The Great Lakes wave model consists of a single unstructured grid. As background information, a list of selected references and a chronological list of model changes are available. |
Hindcast and Reanalysis ArchivesThere are two classes of WAVEWATCH III® hindcasts.
Detailed descriptions of the hindcasts and reanalyses, with links to the datasets, validation statistics from buoy match-ups, and visualizations of the model data fields, can be found in the WAVEWATCH III® Hindcast and Reanalysis Archives |
WAVEWATCH III® Model Description and GitHub Repository
We have moved to an open development paradigm using GitHub, which means users and developers are no longer required to submit requests for usernames and passwords to access our software package.
The WAVEWATCH III® project page is here.
The latest release is available as a compressed tarball or zipfile from the project page.
To help users and developers navigate the new repositories, we have created two sets of guidelines in GitHub to help you navigate our community modeling framework, one for users and the other for developers:
The WW3 GitHub wiki hosts a description of the model, its main features, output options, user and developer guides, technical documentation and latest news.
Two COMET modules are available regarding WAVEWATCH III® and analysis of ocean swell:
Registration is free for the courses.
While GFS-Wave, GEFS-Wave, and the Great Lakes Wave are operational models, we cannot guarantee the timeliness or accuracy of the model data and figures offered on this site. Please see our disclaimer for more information.