The multigrid production hindcast uses the current operational multi-grid spectral wave model WAVEWATCH III® with operational NCEP winds and ice fields as input forcing fields. No wave data assimilation is performed. The model is run after the end of the month, with all available data. Output is available from February 2005 to May 2019.
UPDATE: 21 Dec 2020
EMC's WAVEWATCH III global wave model Multi-1 will be decommissioned
in NCEP operations in February 2021. It is being replaced by a new
configuration of global wave model coupled to GFS v16. Details of
GFS v16 are available
here. There is a plan in
place to run the GEFS v12 wave model reanalysis/reforecasts for a
period of 20 years starting in 1999. Details on these will be made
available later.
Multigrid Data Access*
Multigrid Data Validation
* Important Note: The Production Hindcast data set was recently moved from our FTP server to our web server. Please update your bookmarks and links as needed with the new location.
Some browsers (Firefox, Chrome) may try to display the contents of a GRiB file in the browser window instead of downloading it. If that happens, right-click on the GRiB file link and select "Save Link As..." to download the file.
The wave model suite consists of 9 rectilinear global and regional nested grids. These grids were developed using ETOPO-1 bathymetry (Amante and Eakins, 2009), together with v1.10 of the Global Self-Consistent Hierarchical High Resolution Shoreline (GSHHS) Database. The higher-resolution grids have been masked to improve model efficiency, and only provide data near shore. See Chawla and Tolman (2007,2008) for details on the software used for developing these grids.
Name (click for map) |
ID | Nx | Ny | dx | dy | Lon0 | Lat0 |
Global 30 min | glo_30m | 720 | 336 | 1/2 | 1/2 | 0 | -77.5 |
Arctic Ocean 30 min | ao_30m | 720 | 51 | 1/2 | 1/2 | 0 | 65.0 |
NW Atlantic 10 min | at_10m | 301 | 331 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 260 | 0.0 |
US West Coast 10 min | wc_10m | 241 | 151 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 210 | 25 |
East Pacific 10 min | ep_10m | 511 | 301 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 130 | -20 |
Alaskan 10 min | ak_10m | 401 | 187 | 1.5/6 | 1/6 | 140 | 44 |
Gulf of America and NW Atlantic 4 min | at_4m | 586 | 481 | 1/15 | 1/15 | 261 | 15 |
US West Coast 4 min | wc_4m | 736 | 526 | 1/15 | 1/15 | 195 | 15 |
Alaskan 4 min | ak_4m | 548 | 391 | 2/15 | 1/15 | 165 | 48 |
Here is information about what each buoy file type contains.
Here is an example of how to read GRiB files with Python: how_to_plot_grib2.txt
Here is an example Python script to read the NetCDF partition files.
Here is an example Matlab script to read the NetCDF partition files.
Here is an example Matlab script to subset the NetCDF partition files.