The buoy files are the output of the point output post-processor (ww3_outp) acting on the out_pnt.ww3 file produced by the model. Here are what they contain. 1) The buoys_wmo files contain tables of mean parameters in WMO standard output: year month day hour wind-speed wind-dir Hs Tpeak where wind-speed in is m/s wind-dir in degrees true Hs in m Tpeak in seconds 2) The buoy_part files contain: Loop over times, loop over buoys: yyyymmdd hhmmss lat lon buoyID(C*10) npart depth ubas udir cabs cdir part Hs Tp Lp theta sp wf where: date -- date in year-month-day hour-min-sec format lat -- lat lon -- lon npart -- number of partitions depth -- in (m) ubas -- wind speed (m/s) udir -- wind direction (degrees true) cabs -- current speed (m/s) cdir -- current direction (degrees true) part -- partition number Hs -- significant wave height (m) Tp -- peak period (sec) Lp -- wave length (m) theta -- wave direction (degrees true) sp -- directional spreading (degrees true) wf -- wind sea fraction -- What part of the partition is under wind action a value of 1 makes it pure wind sea a value close to 0 makes it pure swell. This is non - dimensional ranging from 0 to 1. 3) The buoy_spec files contain: - File ID in quotes, number of frequencies, directions and points, and grid name in quotes - Bin frequencies in Hz for all bins. - Bin directions in radians for all bins (Oceanographic conv.). Then loop over times: - Time in yyyymmdd hhmmss format Loop over points: - Point name (C*10), lat, lon, d, U10 and direction, current speed and direction - E(f,theta)