The Combined NCEP/FNMOC Wave Ensembles (NFCENS) Product consists of a combination of significant wave height (Hs) data from the NCEP wave ensemble system, and from the wave ensembles run by the US Navy Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Ocenographic Center (FNMOC). The product combines outputs from a total of 41 wave ensemble members. A detailed description is provided in Alves et al. (2013)
Forecasts extend from 0h to 240h, and are provided for a global domains in a spherical grid with 0.1 x 0.1 degree resolution. Forecasts are run 4x daily at the 00, 06, 12 and 18Z run cycles.
Products from the NCEP wave ensemble alone, which also include in addition to wave heights, peak period and wind speed/direction data are at the GEOWAFS page.
Forecast products provided below consist of global maps of statistical parameters derived from the 41 combined NCEP/FNMOC wave ensemble members, as follows:
Product | Description |
Mean & Spread | Means and Spreads in the ensemble |
Spaghetti | Maps of all ensemble members |
Probability | Ensemble probabilities |
The viewer controls allow you to select from the last 5 days at the run times of 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z. Spaghetti and Probability maps include a control to select a threshold value for the selected parameter.