T1 | T21 | A12 | A2 | dd | Station id |
O |
A B C J K M N P Y |
N |
A C E G I J K L M X N Y O |
88 | KWBJ |
Where: T1 is the bulletin type descriptor: O - oceanographic. T2 is the parameter descriptor, see notes below. A1 is the grid and domain descriptor: N - 0.50o x 0.25o lon/lat grid over domain from 160E - 124W and 45N - 75N. A2 is the forecast hour descriptor, see notes below. dd is the surface descriptor: 88 - ocean surface.
Notes: 1. Parameter descriptors
A - u-wind component 2. Forecast hour descriptors at 6-h intervals from 0- to 72-h.