The class library itself is defined in tech note 186, online at The online documentation
should be taken as authoratative rather than comments in this illustrative
note. A more detailed examination of a particular usage of the class
library - the ROFS interpolator - is given in Grumbine [2000b].
To compile a program in C++, you need to name the compiler, and add 'define' the platform you're on, and give directions to the include and library directories. The specifics for each local platform are given below. The command line will look like:
g++ program.C -DLINUX -I /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib/cpplib
platform | compiler | include directory |
IBM SP - operational | xlC | /nwprod/omblib90/omblib.source/include |
IBM SP - developmental | xlC | /nfsuser/g01/marine/local/include |
sgi100 | CC | /migr/data/wd21rg/includes |
polar | g++ | /usr/local/include |
platform | library | D |
IBM SP - operational | /nwprod/omblib90/omblibc_4_604 | IBM |
/nwprod/omblib90/omblibf_4_604 | ||
IBM SP - developmental | /nfsuser/g01/marine/local/lib/cpplib | IBM |
sgi100 | /migr/data/wd21rg/lib/ | SGI |
polar | /usr/local/lib/cpplib | LINUX |