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Global RTOFS WOCE Sections

The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) was a component of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and remains the most ambitious oceanographic experiment undertaken to-date.The aims of the program were to establish the role of the oceans in the earth's climate and to obtain a baseline dataset against which future change could be assessed. Information on the WOCE dataset can be found here.

Select Data Set: RTOFS WOCE Select Parameter: Potential Temperature Salinity

Track S04P (Click for small image)
temp graphic for track S04P

The following chart shows the WOCE track lines and the Global RTOFS sections that were extracted. Click on a track label to view the section.

WOCE sections courtesy of the eWOCE Gallery.

Schlitzer, R., Electronic Atlas of WOCE Hydrographic and Tracer Data Now Available, Eos Trans. AGU, 81(5), 45, 2000.